
Common Behavioral Issues in Children

Behavioral issues beyond the normal growing pains of childhood.   Sometimes, behavior problems can indicate a more serious problem that may need professional help.   Understanding common behavioral disorders in children is helpful for understanding their behavior. These five signs could indicate that your child may be suffering from a behavior disorder.   These signs are intended to help you identify your current concerns and allow you to seek professional advice. 1.   Defiance There are many possible causes for disruptive behavior disorders, but the most common ones include attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional Defiant Disorders (ODD), and Conduct Disorder (CD).   These disorders often have overlapping symptoms. In cases of ODD and CD, excessive refusal to obey authority figures can be seen. 2.   Inattention Children have a tendency to struggle with concentration from time to time, particularly if they are distracted. ...

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in Children

  Obsessive compulsive disorder  is a common neuropsychiatric disorder characterized by the presence of obsessions and compulsions that are time consuming and cause distress or interference in the patient’s life  OCD  is characterized by the presence of obsessions or compulsions that are time consuming (at least one hour per day), cause subjective distress or interfere with the patient’s or the family’s life. Obsessions are intrusive, unwanted ideas, images, fears, thoughts or worries that are experienced as uncomfortable, unpleasant, distressing or anxiety provoking. Compulsions are repetitive behaviours or mental acts performed to ignore, reduce or eliminate the anxiety or distress caused by the obsessive thoughts. Compulsions are usually executed according to certain rules the patient feels driven to follow. Obsessive compulsive symptoms vary considerably not only from patient to patient but also in the same patient over time. Even though there are many similariti...

Communication Difficulties in Children

  Definition: A child with communication difficulties has trouble communicating with others. They may not understand or make words for speech. The child may also struggle with choice, word order, or sentence structure. Sometimes child has choice of words but able to communicate due to anxiety, shyness.   Reason:     There are following reasons due to which child has communication problems : ·        BIOLOGICAL PROBLEMS: The child having difficulty in communication due to genes problems having difficulty in the family. ·        Child having possible exposure to toxins during pregnancy. ·        Abuse during pregnancy may also lead to communication difficulties in children . ·        Exposure to environmental toxins like lead is possible reason of having communication difficulties. ·        PHYSICA...

How to manage learning disability in a child?

  A learning disability is characterised by a group of conditions that affects language processing, which leads to difficulty in comprehension as well as with reading, writing, speaking, and mathematical concepts. It might also affect the attention and coordination of movements. It is a neurological disorder and is difficult to identify as it is a hidden condition, unlike other disabilities. The group of disorders in learning disability involves dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia and dysgraphia. Dyslexia means having difficulty in processing language. Dyscalculia involves issues with number-related concepts, mathematical problems and reasoning. Dysgraphia is associated with handwriting and Dyspraxia also known as developmental coordination disorder (DCD) affects physical coordination and balance. Learning disability not just affects the child’s academic performance but also impacts interpersonal relationships and may lead to other mental health problems. Empathise with your child...

Some Signs of Stammering in Children & How You Can Help

Looking for the Best Speech Therapist in Punjab ? A fluency disorder, stuttering can be described as repetition of sounds or hesitations.   Some of the most common symptoms include repeated sounds, added sounds, extended words, blinking multiple times, frustration, long pauses, and hard blocks. Language and speech in the early years Stuttering is most commonly noticed by parents between the ages of 2 and 5.   These years are when children learn to combine nouns and verbs with adjectives into grammatically sound sentences. Their vocabulary also grows. Children are exposed to a variety of experiences, both within their family and externally, that are either pleasant, stress-free, enjoyable, stressful, unpleasant, forceful, or frightening in the early years.   Children learn to use language and speech to communicate their experiences.   They acquire language skills and use appropriate language in various social settings.   This is when most children learn f...

Spitting In Kids with Autism?

  What is Spitting? A1: To force or throw eject (something) from the mouth: expectorate. B1: To express (unpleasant or malicious feelings) by or as if spitting. C1: To utter with a spitting sound or scornful expression like spat out his words.   How to Reduce Spitting in Kids with Autism? Spitting behaviour in children with autism could be frustrating for the parent to deal with. Some children spit just for fun or to gain attention, while other spit to express their emotion like behaviour due to sensory needs. Children with autism tend to have this kind of behaviour, as they have communication difficulty or need speech therapy. Some children use behavioural spitting as a self-defence action when they don’t like others to touch them and/or their things (e.g., toys).   How to respond to this behaviour, if the child does it for fun? It is essential to analyse the reason for any behaviour the chid express. If they do it to gain attention, ignoring them wil...

Importance of Blowing in Speech Therapy

  How does blowing help children development in speech therapy? Oral motor skills: Blowing bubbles develops the small muscles in your child’s mouth as they pucker their lips and blow bubbles. Strengthening their muscles is important for developing their ability to form clear sounds when speaking and to eat and swallow safely.   Blowing is a basic component of speech mechanism. It improves the respiratory patterns and strength. At Global Child Wellness Centre, we use musical instruments which cause harmonical results. Whistle or blow toys are a great option. Oral skills can greatly be improved with this form of activity like blowing bubbles. Oral motor input is important for self-calming. Every parent desire their children to be able to blow birthday candles.   Most children pickup naturally but children with autism and ADHD may need little help. Gum massage is a simple effective way for oral stimulation. Blowing powder or paper or balloons is very beneficial...