Some Signs of Stammering in Children & How You Can Help
Looking for the Best Speech Therapist in Punjab ? A fluency disorder, stuttering can be described as repetition of sounds or hesitations. Some of the most common symptoms include repeated sounds, added sounds, extended words, blinking multiple times, frustration, long pauses, and hard blocks. Language and speech in the early years Stuttering is most commonly noticed by parents between the ages of 2 and 5. These years are when children learn to combine nouns and verbs with adjectives into grammatically sound sentences. Their vocabulary also grows. Children are exposed to a variety of experiences, both within their family and externally, that are either pleasant, stress-free, enjoyable, stressful, unpleasant, forceful, or frightening in the early years. Children learn to use language and speech to communicate their experiences. They acquire language skills and use appropriate language in various social settings. This is when most children learn f...